This and that.

Greetings from the gallery! As it is Sunday I was hoping that maybe there would be some visitors to the gallery, so I took my computer with me and am doing some 'work'. If blogging can be considered work... 😊
But as you can see from the photo, it is empty. It is an absolute stunning gallery, but it is not very good when it comes to the amount of visitors or opportunity to selling. It can be that my art simply do not appeal to the audience here of course, but it is hard to know since every time I have visited there have been no visitors! So I guess that I am disappointed because I don't know if my art would appeal to the audience here or not, since there have practically been none... I do not want to complain, but if I am honest I have to admit that I do feel a little disappointed in that the only thing I will have to show from this exhibition is that I can write in my CV that I have had an exhibition in Shanghai. That in itself is great, but... Well. I guess that we artists still always have hopes, and even if we should be used to not always doing good and selling much, it still feels disappointing. There's that word again. It has been a great experience none the less, so lets leave it at that!

My view at the moment.

The entry to the gallery on North Shaanxi road.

In the studio I have been working on a few commissions. I can only give you a sneak peak as I want the new owners to be the first to see the finished paintings. 

This will be a huge birch forrest painting. I am layer in the green of spring leaves here, but soon it will be time to start painting in all the trunks and branches.

This is one of the compositions I am thinking of for a snowy owl commission. I am not totally happy with the background, so I will do a few more experiments until I am happy.

Magpie. I have painted more since this photo was taken, and I am happy to say that I will be able to send a photo of the finished piece to it's new owner before the end of this coming week! 

So, that was that for this week. Now I am off to meet Kim and enjoy a relaxing massage before dinner. That is one of the things I absolutely love about living here in China, massages are so much more cheaper that you can afford to go much more often and enjoy them!!
Ciao for now!


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