Swans and watercolours.

I have continued working with watercolours this week. Watercolours and swans. I have got quite many ideas for this series, and I want to get them down on paper while I remember them. It is a lot of trial and error while I am trying out different ways to achieve the image I have in my mind for them on paper. I am having a lot of fun with these paintings, and I feel like I am slowly getting there! 

The colour combination here is one that I really like. Mostly Payne's grey and sepia, with a little yellow ochre and white acrylic ink. This is painted on cellulose paper, and unfortunately, it tore a little when I removed the masking fluid from the swans. I was able to repair it with a little matte gel medium though!

The same colour scheme in this one, but with standing swans. Almost the same as the 2 that I shared in last weeks post, but I wasn't fully satisfied with them so I redid it. I will probably do a few more now when I feel that I am on the right track. This is on hot pressed cotton paper.

This painting started out quite well, but after I removed the masking fluid from the swans I realized that I had made their necks way to long and out of proportion. I am also not sure about the background, I think I would like much more abstract. I will just have to experiment more until I am satisfied!

This one I am still working on. I am happier with the background, but it is still not really working for me. I think that what I will try next is to paint the swans much bigger with a totally abstract background.

Here they are all together. My favourites are the two brown coloured ones. I will definitely continue exploring with that concept!


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