It has been raining for a few days now, but the air is nice and warm. I actually enjoy this kind of weather. The only thing missing is some thunder claps and lightening… I am sitting here with a cup of tea, the balcony door open and a warm quilt on my knees while writing. 

Studio update:

This is a small 20x20cm canvas. Collage and acrylic on canvas. The first layer of acrylic is done on the bird, and it needs a few more layers before I can call it done. It looks a little bit funny without a beak, and I think that I need to adjust the position of the eyes a little bit as well. That is one of the great things with taking progress photos and see the work on the computer screen, you see it a little differently than staring at it in real life. You start to notice those small inaccuracies and can correct them. This little fella is a continental Long-tailed tit that I saw in Spain a couple of years ago. He was sitting high up on a telephone wire looking down at me trying to get a picture of him.

This Crested Grebe has me really excited! For some reason I really love how he is turning out. I have the first layer of oil done, and I will finish him this week! I think I can see a small series of grebes coming along… I am so lucky to have found a group on Facebook called 'Photos for artists', where people are sharing their photos copyright and royalty free for artists to use as reference material. This grebe is donated by Russ Bridges.

It's a while since I did anything to the tern I am working on. For some reason the background bothered me, and I decided to experiment and try something else. I am not sure if the umber helped, but I am not done yet.

20x20cm canvas. I'm thinking of painting a small bluebird for the first time in my life. I have never seen one in real life, but I thought that I would make an exception to my rule of only painting birds I have seen this time...

I have shown this background before, but it has gnu through a color change since last. It was suppose to become a background for a Rook I planned in my art journal, but now I am not sure anymore. I will continue painting on it and then see what it says!

I went to the art shop a few days ago, and I found these small canvas boards. They are just a little bit bigger that my hand. I have covered them all in book pages, and I think I am going to keep them quite simple. I have no birds planned yet. I need to go through all my photos and see if somethings pops out...

Finally I have a finished painting to share with you. It is the painting that I filmed last week. In the video I only painted with acrylics, and then I put down a few layers of oil on the bird of camera. 20x20cm canvas. Continental Long-tailed tit, photo reference by Peter Skillen from the Facebook group I mentioned earlier.

I wish you all a beautiful Sunday!


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