Watercolour sketches of Finland.

Today I have some watercolour sketches to share with you. Most of them are in a little Moleskine watercolour sketchbook, only 13,5 by 9 cm. I decided that painting in this small format would force me to avoid fiddling around with too many details. I want to learn to be able to get down a subject on paper with as few brush strokes as possible, while still capturing/suggesting the most essential things about it! When it comes to painting landscape, I feel that the most important thing to capture is the atmosphere. So painting every detail is not important. Sometimes just a suggestion of something is more powerful than seeing every detail, as our brain will fill in the rest. Painting small has helped me with this. 

Landscape nr. 1. Trying out colour combinations. 

Landscape nr. 2.

Closeup of landscape nr. 2. That time in the evening when the horizon disappears and the cliffs seem to hover in mid-air.

White-tailed eagle.

Landscape nr. 3

Landscape nr. 4.  

Landscape nr. 5. 

Landscape nr.6. Early morning when the mist is still hanging over the water surface.

This is on a little bigger paper, but not by much. Abstract autumn.

Playing with water to get different effects.

The weather has cooled down, and now we do have an autumny feel in the air in the evenings. It changed almost overnight. I am hoping for a few days with lots of rain so that the mushrooms would start coming up for me to pick. 


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